This only made me more convinced that I had to have clothes of my own and I now began to buy small things-panties, a girdle, bra, some nylons of my own, and a beautiful pair of red pumps. I kept them secret- ed in my room and could get a head start on dressing when I knew that I would be alone in the house. By having my underpinnings all on, I could stay dressed longer in Elaine's room.
All went well until I left home for college and I had to share a room with someone else. Thus took place the first of many purges. I burned all my nice things, sure that I would not miss them or buy any more. but it was sad to see them go for they had brought me much pleasure and comfort.
How wrong I was! Before Christmas I had bought myself a pair of nylons and would furtively slip them on when I was sure that my room- mate would be gone for a while and I would not be disturbed. The old urges were strong and by summer of that year I could not be content with only part of an outfit. I needed the whole thing.
I worked that summer in a small fishing town and I think I spent most of my money putting together something presentable. It was enough, though, and I often locked my door and dressed, lamenting that I could not go walking along the ocean shore. It made me miserable.
My four years in college were the same. Nothing in the winter and summers were spent dressing as often as I could. College did have a few bright spots such as the dramatic club, however, and I gained a reputa- tion as an impersonator of comic females. Needless to say I sought the parts and was often in there suggesting plays where it would be appro- priate for a male to play a girl's part - me always being the girl. One time I even rode on the trolly dressed completely. There was a bunch of other students with me and they giggled so that everyone knew that I wasn't what I appeared to be but I pretended just the same and loved it. I had more electricity going through me than the trolley.
Out of college I dressed whenever I could, which wasn't often. Each time I moved to a new place I vowed to stop and there followed a purge. Each time it lasted for two or three months and my femme self was back stronger than ever.
At this point I met a girl, a real girl. I fell in love with her and thought that my own longing to dress as a girl would go away. It did for a while, but during the summer prior to our marriage I stayed in her apartment